Here you can view all the items you can find within the game, items you can buy in stores withing the foyer or collectables you can find around the mansion within pots and chests.
You will also find some HUD / GUI stuff here that explains what it is.
Upon successfully locating a chest, the player may find a key inside!
This will allow them to open the locked doors in the lobby, and travel deeper within.
Shiny treasures that every Dweller desires.
Picking up coins will increase your money count.
You can find them within pots, chests, and other various methods....
An incredibly valuable lifeline within the haunted halls.
Gives off an eerie blue glow, flickering to the pulse of your own soul.
Can be used to stun ghosts, and see through the dark.
Small Heart
Little red health pickups that restore the player's HP.
Even bigger shinies!
Nabbing these will greatly increase your money count.
You can sometimes find them within chests, and other various methods.
Power Gauge
Shows the power on the current floor at all time, when buying this item it'll always be displayed as this.
The compass shows you the direction of where the chest with the key in it is.
It shows the direction using these arrows
With this beast of a machine, you can drill holes into the walls to find secret chambers hidden behind the walls.
What'd the insurance think of this?
Endo Heart
The endosomatic heart makes it so ghosts stop hurting you when the love effect kicks in while not struggling.
This stops you from dying but it also makes you stuck unless you start struggling and take damage again.
This item makes you run faster in cleared rooms.
Very useful for when you're trying to find the foyer again after finding the key to go upstairs.
You move faster while you have temporary immunity.
Lorenzo Badge
This'll protect ya from bullets and whatnot - guaranteed!
Party Hat
All enemies will be permitted to appear on this floor!
Enchanted Flame
For this floor, the lantern flash is larger and can neutralize projectiles.
Revenge Bracelet
Defeating an enemy that hurt you will make them sometimes drop health.
A weaker gun that fires slow but steady.
Machine Gun
A gun that fires really fast!
A very strong gun that fires wildly.
Greed Charm
Money is worth twice as much! ...But when you take damage, you also lose some money...
Null Amulet
Status effects wear off twice as fast! ...But struggling requires extra effort...
Delicious Perfume
For this floor, enemy kills are worth twice as much! ...But enemies move faster.
Spirit Horn
With one toot, there will never be a blackout again on this floor! ...But enemies constantly appear forever.
Insatiable Desire
Your stomach becomes more dangerous for victims. ...But your wand no longer passively restores your health via siphoning.
Rich Siphon
Sometimes, defeating enemies won't count towards your kill count... Instead, it will cause them to erupt into money!
Broken Heart Necklace
No more full restores... ...Instead, they will be replaced with other goodies that are better the higher you go!
Cramped Belly
Enemies have a harder time escaping from your stomach! ...But any time they struggle to escape, it hurts you.
Famine's Blessing
You move slightly faster! ...But you stomach capacity is halved.
You may often find these boxes throughout the haunted halls.
Hopping inside will allow the player to restore some lost hp.
Seems less effective to actually hide in.
This is a chest, what more is there to say about this?
You can find a few versions of this object, there're money chests that give out coins and gems.
These fragile objects come in various shapes, colors, and sizes.
Breaking them will sometimes reveal goodies that were lying inside!
Full Heal
This object spawns on every floor after F1, it doesn't spawn on F1.
This heart will heal you to the max of you current HP, it can be increased by health increase.
You may notice that this drops in power every so often.
If the player does not traverse the floor quick enough, the power will eventually go out.
All lamps will extinguish, and spectral dinner bells may be heard..
On this difficulty the ghost cap is 3 at a time, 2 on F1 and 4 during a blackout.
Ghosts in cleared rooms are 2 floors stronger during a blackout.
On this difficulty the ghost cap is 4 at a time, 3 on F1 and 5 during a blackout.
Ghosts in cleared rooms are 5 floors stronger during a blackout.
Shop items also cost 1.5 times more than on Easy.
On this difficulty the ghost cap is 5 at a time, 4 on F1 and 6 during a blackout.
Ghosts in cleared rooms are 10 floors stronger during a blackout.
Shop items also cost 2 times more than on Normal. Smashables will not drop any Hearts anymore, they'll drop something else instead.
Chairs are always angry at the player and there is a new mechanic you have to maintain during game-play or you'll die.
Save Deletion
If you enable this difficulty toggle, your save file will delete itself on death. Tsughos will eat the save file when you reach 0 HP during game-play.
Compass Arrows
These arrows point directly at the chest object on the current floor that contains the key to unlock the upstairs (next floor).
It can be difficulty sometimes to know where to go to follow the arrows.
Health Drain
This is a visual of when your HP is being drained by a ghost that is eating the player.
Red Heart
Heart that is shown for HP when the player has at least 100HP.
The next heart is a orange color.
Going below 100HP will start to make the heart shrink.
Orange Heart
Heart that is shown for HP when the player reaches enough of it.
The next heart is a yellow color.
Yellow Heart
Heart that is shown for HP when the player reaches enough of it.
The next heart is a green color.
Green Heart
Heart that is shown for HP when the player reaches enough of it.
The next heart is a blue color.
Blue Heart
Heart that is shown for HP when the player reaches enough of it.
The next heart is a indigo color.
Indigo Heart
Heart that is shown for HP when the player reaches enough of it.
The next heart is a purple color.
Purple Heart
Heart that is shown for HP when the player reaches the max HP.
If the player reaches the max HP the heart doesn't change anymore, good job big boy!
Ghost Heart
The heart that is displayed by the game when you successfully flash a ghost, when the number inside reaches 0 the ghost dies,
it'll then increase the ghost kill counter.
This device shows how much power is left on the current floor at all times, compared to the battery GUI that only appears when the power has decreased a threshold.
You can buy this item in the shop.
This shows itself above a ghost that is currently eating the player.
If you don't struggle at all, it'll change into the love heart instead and if you own the endo heart it'll stop damaging you.
Ghost Kills
Shows how many ghosts you've killed so far.
That's not very kind of you, the player, to just kill these ghosts!
Shows all the money you've collected on your adventure.
When this melting heart shows itself above a ghost that is eating you, it means you're not struggling and giving in.
If you don't struggle you won't make it out of there.
I guess you found out about this hidden section of the page?
Japes is a pathetic dweller who got lost in the forest during a rainstorm, using the mansion as shelter, only to get trapped inside.